A downloadable Game for Android

Title:- Funny Monster


Funny Monster is an exciting and thrilling mobile game that challenges your reflexes and strategic thinking. In this action-packed adventure, you control a cute doll and your mission is to collect pieces scattered across the screen while avoiding dangerous bombs!

How to Play:

Control the doll's movements by swiping left or right on the screen.

Move the doll to collect as many pieces as possible.

Each collected piece adds points to your score and brings you closer to victory.

Be quick and agile, as bombs randomly appear on the screen.

Avoid touching the bombs at all costs, as they will end the game instantly.

The game becomes progressively faster and more challenging as you collect more pieces.


Simple and intuitive controls: The swipe-based controls make it easy for players of all ages to enjoy the game.

Collectible pieces: Gather as many pieces as you can to achieve high scores and challenge your friends.

Bomb avoidance: Stay alert and test your reflexes to avoid the bombs and stay in the game.

Increasing difficulty: As you progress, the game becomes more challenging, keeping you engaged and entertained.

High-score tracking: Compete with your friends and other players worldwide to claim the top spot on the leaderboard.

Colorful graphics and cute animations: Funny Monster features visually appealing graphics and adorable animations that add to the overall fun.

Are you ready to take on the thrilling challenge of Funny Monster!? Download now and embark on a delightful journey to collect pieces and dodge bombs in this addictive mobile game!

(Note: This is a fictional game description, and any resemblance to actual games is purely coincidental.)


Funny Monster-1_0_0.apk 2 MB

Install instructions

To download and install an APK file on your Android phone, follow these steps:

  1. Enable installation from unknown sources: By default, Android devices don't allow installation of apps from sources other than the Google Play Store. To enable it, go to Settings > Security (or Privacy on some devices) > Unknown sources. Toggle the option to allow installations from unknown sources.
  2. Download the APK file: You can download the APK file from various sources on the internet, but be cautious about the credibility and security of the websites you use. It's generally safer to download APKs from reputable app stores or the official websites of the app developers.
  3. Locate the APK file: After downloading the APK, open your file manager app and navigate to the folder where the file was saved. Commonly, APKs are stored in the "Downloads" folder.
  4. Start the installation: Tap on the APK file to begin the installation process. You may see a warning about the risks of installing from unknown sources, but if you followed the first step, you should be able to proceed.
  5. Confirm the installation: Android will prompt you to review the permissions required by the app. If you are comfortable with the permissions requested, tap "Install" to proceed.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete: The installation process will only take a few moments, depending on the app's size and complexity.
  7. App installed: Once the installation is complete, you'll see a message confirming that the app has been installed. You can then either open the app directly from the installation screen or find its icon on the home screen or app drawer.

Remember, installing APKs from unknown sources can pose security risks, so be cautious and only install apps from trustworthy sources. If possible, it's recommended to use the Google Play Store to download and install apps, as Google performs security checks on the apps available there.

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